Design Blog

The end of discovery research?
I think we’re telling ourselves a lie that discovery research can identify the problem, in a way that will let us do anything about it.

Metrics are bad (sometimes)
I understand the lure of a set of numbers that tell you how you’re tracking, but metrics can be fraught with danger.

Some things we know about public transport and information
A non-exhaustive list of what we know about how people move through PT environments and what that means for the info you provide them.

Why we banned powerpoint
Once upon a time, I unintentionally incited a rebellion in a government department by banning powerpoint.

If personas are the answer, what the hell was the question?
Personas are human-washing; like greenwashing only for people. A way for organisations to pretend they care about their customers without doing the work to understand them.

One way to make meetings more effective
If I was only allowed to give you one piece of designerly advice, it would be “get clear on intent”.

Die, deliverables, die
Designers, we’ve all been there. Writing a long, detailed report that documents everything you did and heard through the course of a project.

Design is not neutral
Everything you design is an opportunity to change the world. Yes, even the simple things — that journey map, those signs, that website — they’re all ways to make a difference.

Synthesis: it doesn’t matter how you categorise your post-it notes
The archetypal image of my industry is a designer looking pensive in front of a wall full of post-it notes.
5 ways to use prototypes to learn, not test
A prototype is a thing you use to provoke a response, so you can learn.
Designers, we need to talk about Desirable, Viable, Feasible
It was great while it lasted. But in light of everything that’s happened in 2020, DVF has to go.
Make policy great again
We’ve known for years what great policy looks like, but we’re still struggling to get there. Here are some small ways to get started.
3 things we learned from 1980s day
24 hours using only technology available in the 1980s. How could that go wrong?
Improving wayfinding at Melbourne’s busiest train station
The project that redesigned the digital screens at Flinders Street Station.